
菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全’s UltraSAND植物 (USPs) have been around for many years — they are a combination of a Sump, 泵, 水力旋流器和脱水筛. They are typically fed <4 mesh (<5mm) material from the bottom deck of a wash screen. 名义上,这种排出物的固体重量≥35%. 另外, they can be fed after a dry screen via a slurry box to hydrate the materials using high-pressure sprays.


具有更高的分离效率的水力旋流器/分离器™, UltraSAND植物 are proven to provide a higher product yield compared to Fine Material Screw Washers. 另一个优点是脱水筛的含水率低得多, 取决于沙子的特性. 最终的结果是几乎立即使用该菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全, 更陡的堆垛角度,以增加库存容量, 减少失水, 更好的家务管理. 采用这种设计也提高了砂当量.

The UltraSAND Plant is well-suited for a wide variety of applications from simple dewatering of s和 to multistage wash systems. 当一个系统被筛送时, it has the flexibility of receiving coarse material 和 making multiple products on a single screen. 最常见的用途是清洗和脱水混凝土, 沥青, 和/或砌筑砂, 而且还可以应用于不同的材料和行业. UltraSAND工厂是清洗和脱水工业砂的行业标准.e. 压裂砂、铸造砂、玻璃砂等.)中大小的分数分类后.



通过筛给应用程序,物料被引导到脱水筛上. 根据应用程序的不同,屏幕孔径大小可以从0.3毫米至2毫米. 在某些情况下, it is only necessary to dewater the s和 和 remove the fines to produce concrete s和; in other cases, it is required to make a dedicated cut on the screen for a secondary product such as a mason s和. The throughs from the 脱水筛 are pumped to a 水力旋流器 or Separator™ to dewater 和 remove the deleterious ultrafine fractions, 然后有选择地将底流排放回DWS. 二次菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全是在哪里生产的, the DWS is often divided by a urethane deck-divider into two parallel coarse 和 fine streams (alternatively two screens are used). 为更大的灵活性调整渐变, there is typically a facility to blend the fine materials into the coarse or vice versa at the discharge.

Sump-fed systems are used for dilute feeds or in cases of high concentrations of <200 mesh (-75µm). 在这些情况下,提要首先被定向到收集池. The slurry is then pumped to a 水力旋流器 or Separator™ to remove the -200 mesh solids 和 dewater the product. 溢水, 细粉砂和粘土被转移到泥浆池或其他下游过程. 下溢的, 脱水的:是脱泥和部分脱水的固体, 排到脱水筛上. The 脱水筛 removes excess moisture from the s和 和 discharges a drip-free product. Water 和 fines that pass through the 脱水筛 report to the sump 和 are recirculated through the system, 最大限度地减少砂级菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全的损失.

因为每个站点都有不同的需求, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 is up to the challenge in designing a system to match a process instead of making the process match the equipment. 带或不带清除旋流器的水力旋流装置, 以及其他类型的设计, 能被设计成提供最好的解决方案吗.

为什么是菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 UltraSAND工厂

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 has been a leader in the industry for many years in the production of this style system. The experience from a wide range of applications given our sales 和 process teams the ability to provide the right solution for each application 和 the foresight to anticipate problems before they arise. 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 uses blending 和 multistage systems to make in-spec products in difficult applications.

菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全拥有作为全套设备供应商的额外优势, 作为水槽的唯一供应商, 泵, 水力旋流器, 脱水筛及结构. 这使得菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全专家可以定制和优化系统的过程.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 模块化UltraSAND工厂 are a quick 和 easy-to-set-up solution for washing 和 dewatering s和. These compact units are designed with 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's field-proven equipment to fit in a small footprint. 模块化UltraSAND植物是滑动安装快速和容易的设置, meaning you can be up 和 running faster than with a st和ard wash plant 和 move from site to site should deposits change. They can be combined with other modules in 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's modular equipment range, including the UltraCRUSH, UltraWASH, UltraSCRUBEcoCYCLE建立一个完整的湿式加工厂.


菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 可配置UltraSAND植物 offer a tailored s和 washing solution that is readily available. With three different 水力旋流器 clusters that are always in stock at 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全 facilities, 菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全's Configurable USP can fit many unique applications without the lead time associated with custom plants. 可配置usp由所有菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设计和现场验证的设备组成, 而且他们是快速和容易的设置和现场安装.



模块化工厂以每小时进料吨为单位进行测量. Producers are typically looking for a per annum output over a certain number of available hours. 与一个 定制的植物,我们要问的是,为了获得期望的产量,需要什么来喂养植物. 考虑一个饲料ph值为250的模块化工厂. 预期产量可能为60%,或产量为150. You need to feed 415 tph to get 250 tph of product to match the output of a custom plant. 只要双方都明白这一点,那就没关系. 如果没有,这将是一个不受欢迎的冲击. 最终的结果是更多的工作时间或购买更多的设备. 即使我们很了解他们的能力, variations in the typical feed gradation 和 actual run of mine material can create bottlenecks in the system on either the coarse or fine side, 导致系统容量降低. 在某些情况下,模块化工厂是有意义的. 在这些情况下,麦克菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全提供了一系列 模块化洗涤设备 that are close in design to the USPs we made 20-plus years ago but have now added a feed system, 施胶筛和出料输送机, 所有提供在一个紧凑, 更完整的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全.

如果你准备花必要的时间去研究最好的选择, then allow one to two weeks for sampling 和 getting results 和 two weeks for evaluation 和 preliminary quotation. 在这之后, it is typical for one to two weeks for approval drawings (general arrangement by which to decide on configuration 和 orientations), 然后10-12周是USP, 20-22周是更复杂的选择. 当然, some parts of the process may be able to be compressed; conversely, 工程和制造的工作量将影响最终的时间框架. Starting early in the permitting process helps put a lot in place to give realistic expectations. 为什么要花几十万美元呢, 数百小时, 和 the next 20 years only to regret not spending the necessary time in the beginning to get it right?

仔细听他们的说法并提出问题. 当你这样做的时候,这些索赔平均只有7-12%是合格的. 问题是,7-12%不是平均值. The real answer is somewhat of a non-answer: It depends on the material being dewatered. 这完全取决于表面湿度和你有多少表面. A very coarse concrete s和 could well dewater to 7%; however, 更典型的是C-33砂的重量占比为12-15%. 用UFR回收非常细的材料, 这可能是23%, 但它是滴落的,因为它的末端 脱水筛.

UltraSAND工厂不是为需要中型调整的沉积物而设计的. Operators will need to blend materials from different parts of the deposit to create a feed suitable for creating a concrete 和 or mason s和. Alternately, consideration should be given to the use of a S和 分类 Tank Based S和 Plant.

UltraSAND植物 are proven to provide a higher product yield at a much lower moisture content.

特性 & 好处
  • 可定制,可配置或标准尺寸
  • USPs通常是一站式服务,提供所有内部菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全设备
  • Highest recovery of useable s和, meaning less spec s和 in your pond 和 higher yield
  • 最干燥的菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,意味着更直接的使用库存
  • 可以很容易地与饲料制备和污水处理模块相结合
  • 更陡的堆垛角度,以增加库存容量
  • 减少失水
  • 更好的管家
  • 提高砂粒当量


我们的客户服务团队随时为您服务. We can ship you parts, send field service technicians to your site 和 answer any questions you have. 无论你需要什么,我们都会为你服务.